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Estate and Wealth Planning

We are committed to providing the very highest quality estate planning services to individuals and family groups with significant net worth, and have substantial experience handling:

  • Wills and Revocable Living Trusts
  • Life Insurance Planning and Life Insurance Trusts
  • Generation-Skipping Trusts & “Dynasty Trusts”
  • Planning for Non-U.S. Citizens & Nonresident Aliens
  • Estate “Freeze” Techniques for Business and Real Estate Holdings
  • Sales to Intentionally “Defective” Grantor Trusts
  • Family Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies and Gifting Programs
  • Family Wealth Management Programs for Grandchildren
  • Business Succession Planning
  • Qualified Personal Residence Trusts (“House GRITs”)
  • Grantor Remainder Annuity Trusts and Unitrusts (“GRATs” & “GRUTs”)
  • Prenuptial Planning for Individuals with Substantial Assets
  • Charitable Lead Trusts and Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Private Foundations & Supporting Organizations
  • Retirement Plan or IRA Planning for those with “Substantial” Retirement Plan Accounts

We endeavor to serve all of our clients on the most efficient, cost-effective basis possible. We will meet with you to discuss your family and financial circumstances, and your estate planning objectives. Once your needs are determined, we will recommend the most appropriate strategies for your consideration and provide you an estimate of our fees to prepare the necessary documents and implement the arrangements we recommend.

Estate Plan Questionnaire