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International Planning

For clients with substantial international connections - whether in the form of property owned abroad, an inheritance from non-U.S. parents, beneficial interest in a foreign trust or account, or dual residency and/or citizenship - it is crucial to work with an experienced international planning attorney when planning your estate or making lifetime gifts.   Without careful consideration of the interplay among the laws of different countries, the heirs and beneficiaries of an international estate may face unnecessary administrative hurdles and/or excessive taxation.   

Our attorneys have collective decades of experience in navigating the pitfalls of international estate planning, with a client base whose international ties range from Asia to Europe to South America.   We often work closely with counsel in the other country or countries to which our clients have ties, coordinating an estate plan that will be tax-efficient across jurisdictions, as well as simpler to administer in all relevant jurisdictions.    

We have assisted clients with filing non-resident income, gift and estate tax returns, applying for expatriation, structuring offshore trusts and estate plans, correctly reporting offshore assets, planning for immigration to the U.S., and advising on ancillary probate proceedings.   We have advised on foreign trust restructuring, charitable giving with foreign non-profits and how to transfer foreign assets while minimizing tax costs for future generations. 

Planning for multi-jurisdictional families and truly mobile clients is complex, but we have the experience and expertise necessary to rise to the challenge. 

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