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Tax Planning

Personal and business planning cannot be intelligently engaged in without appropriate consideration of applicable federal and state tax laws. We understand this. We are tax lawyers and everything we do reflects our understanding of relevant federal and state tax issues.

Our attorneys have substantial experience working with federal income tax laws affecting individuals, businesses (C corporations, S corporations, limited liability companies and partnerships), nonprofit tax-exempt organizations (including charities, charitable trusts and private foundations), as well as trusts and estates. We have extensive experience helping individuals and organizations structure their affairs so as to minimize their liability for federal income taxes.

Smith & Zuccarini attorneys are intimately familiar with federal estate and gift tax laws, including the generation-skipping transfer tax and the excise taxes applicable to retirement plans. We have helped countless individuals plan the transfer of their wealth to family members and succeeding generations with minimum erosion by federal and state transfer taxes. We are experienced in assisting clients with substantial retirement plan balances coordinate planning for their retirement assets with their estate plans.

The effects of taxation must be taken into consideration in planning but should never unduly influence good business judgment concerning the intelligent conduct of affairs. We pride ourselves in our grasp of relevant tax rules and planning techniques, and we are committed to working with clients, their CPAs and other financial advisors to implement practical business and personal tax planning strategies on a cost-effective basis.